
Simple explaination of Website Terminologies you might be interested to know..

Website terminology


What is a Web Hosting

What is Web Hosting? That means that you pay a rent to a worldwide server where all the data of your website is securely transferred soit can be seen globally!


What is a Domain Name

The "Domain Name" is like the address of your home or store. Users can find you on the internet when they know your domain address. It is your exclusive property. Example: www.yourdomain.com


What is an Email

Messages distributed electronically by a computer user to one or more recipients over a network. "reading the e-mail has become the first task of breakfast"


What is a website

A website is a set of webpages that join together. People see websites with a computer, tablet or smartphones. Sites can be used to advertise or sell things


What is Google SEO 

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.


What is a Sitemap

Sitemap is a special file that tells the search engines about the content that you have on your site so that they can find it more easily and when it was last updated.

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